Rock & Metal Drum Sample Library 1
Drum samples recorded during recording session of a metal album. Recorded in quite small, muted drum room, so the drums are very dry and easy to process while mixing. The drums were tuned to certain notes and especially the toms turned out very melodic and clear sounding. The TCI trigger files are from completely raw drums, meaning no processing was done during recording or editing. The one-shots have both processed and raw versions. Check the samples in action in a mix, only as processed drums and only as raw drums below.
The Gear
Snare & Shells
- Snare - DW 14"x6,6" Design Workhorse SD
- Bass Drum & Toms - DW PDP CM7 - 10", 12", 14", 16" & 22".
Drum Heads & Microphones used:
- Snare - Remo CS-Batter Clear & Remo Ambassador (Top: Electro-Voice PL35, Bottom: Sennheiser e 609)
- Toms - Remo Emperor Clear (Electro-Voice PL35)
- Kick - Evans Heavyweight EMAD (Sennheiser e 902)
- Overheads (AIR Microphones Fatboy)
- Room (Lewitt LCT 040)
The Contents of the Library
Multi-layered and Multi-sampled TCI Trigger Files from Raw Drums
Trigger files were created from different amounts of layers and round-robins depending on the drum. The snare, kick and toms were sampled the most thoroughly having more dynamic layers and round-robins. The library also includes TCI files of certain cymbals that were sampled twice or more, but they don't have any dynamic layers except hi-hat. Each microphone position has its own individual TCI file. Snare, Kick, Toms and Hihat have Direct, Overhead and Room positions and everything else Overhead and Room positions.
- Snare Top & Bottom Direct, Overhead & Room - 4 dynamic layers
- Kick Direct, Overhead & Room - 4 dynamic layers
- 4 x Tom Direct, Overhead & Room - 2 dynamic layers
- Hi-hat Direct, Overhead & Room - 4 dynamic layers (pedal chick, closed, closed loose & open)
- Crash Overhead & Room - 1 dynamic layer
- China Overhead & Room - 1 dynamic layer
- Trash Crash Overhead & Room - 1 dynamic layer
- 2 x Stack Overhead & Room - 1 dynamic layer
Raw One-Shots
Raw one-shots as on the demonstration track "Drums (Raw)". Snare, Kick, Toms and Hihat have individual files for Direct, Overhead and Room microphone positions and everything else Overhead and Room positions. Check the samples in action as in a mix, only processed drums and only raw drums below.
- Snare Top & Bottom (Dir, OH & Room; Velocities 1-4)
- Kick Drum (Dir, OH & Room; Velocities 1-4)
- Toms - 10", 12", 14" & 16" (Dir, OH & Room; Velocities 1-2)
- Crash (OH & Room)
- Trash Crash (OH & Room)
- 2 x Stack (OH & Room)
- Hihat (Dir, OH & Room; Pedal Chick, Closed, Closed Loose & Open)
- Ride (Dir, OH & Room)
- China (OH & Room)
- 3 x Splash - 8", 8" & 10" (OH & Room)
Processed One-Shots
Processed one-shots as on the demonstration track "Drums (Processed)". All the processed one-shots are in both Dry (mono) and Wet (stereo) reverb versions. The Wet stereo versions are panned from the drummers perspective.
- Snare (Dry & Wet)
- Kick (Dry & Wet)
- Toms - 10", 12", 14" & 16" (Dry & Wet)
Sound FX
Sound FX created from the drum samples for sound design purposes (5 stereo files).
- Risers
- Snare & Tom Bombs/Booms
Demonstration track featuring the drum sample library:
Demonstration track featuring only processed drums from the sample library:
Demonstration track featuring only raw drums from the sample library:
Drum samples in TCI trigger file format, Raw & Processed One-Shot audio files and Sound FX